Policies and procedures

In this section you will find our current policies, plans, reports, strategies and procedures relating to the delivery of our functions and responsibilities.



This key document provides the framework for the delivery of services to residents and businesses and aims to make South Kesteven the best District to live in, work and visit.

Please click here to view the Corporate Plan. 

Five priority areas are highlighted based on an analysis of the current performance of SKDC as the local authority and South Kesteven as a District, along with emerging opportunities and challenges:

  • Connecting Communities
  • Sustainable South Kesteven
  • Enabling Economic Opportunity
  • Housing
  • Effective Council

Ambitions and actions outlined in the Corporate Plan include:

  • Invest in a sustainable leisure and cultural offer
  • Deliver the Climate Action Strategy programme
  • Adopt a Tree and Woodland Strategy
  • Deliver an Economic Development Strategy and action plan
  • Deliver £3.3m decarbonisation housing project
  • Adopt a refreshed Customer Experience Strategy

The SKDC Productivity Plan has been developed in response to the requirement introduced by the Local Government Finance Settlement 2024/25 for local authorities to produce and submit such plans to the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government. 

In accordance with the Government guidance, this Plan presents a high-level spotlight of our completed transformation work since 2020, and highlights upcoming projects for 2024/25, so to offer assurance to residents, Members and the Government of our ongoing commitment to deliver high quality, financially sustainable, and value-for-money public services.

Monitoring the delivery of the Productivity Plan will take place through the Divisional Service Plans and the Corporate Key Performance Indicators (KPI) reports to the Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Committees.

The Council invited the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny to undertake a review of its overview and scrutiny function last year.

A report, containing findings and recommendations, was submitted to the Council which was circulated to all District Councillors.

The development and publication of an action plan was initially proposed upon receipt of the report and it was originally considered that the findings of the report should be published at the same time as the action plan. Whilst work has been taking place on the development of an action plan in respect of the Scrutiny Review, other significant pieces of work have taken priority since receipt of the final report such as the continuing pressures relating to the Covid-19 pandemic, corporate restructures, a comprehensive review of the Constitution, including implementation of the outcomes of the planning review, and the undertaking and implementation of recommendations following the Local Government Corporate Peer Challenge.

The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Licensing and Governance are in the process of considering the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review and are developing an action plan for implementation.

Taking into account requests by Councillors and members of the public for the outcomes of the review to be placed in the public domain, this has now been facilitated and the full report is published above.

The Housing Strategy 2020-2024 is the product of consultation with a range of stakeholders and draws upon multiple data sources in setting out an ambitious vision for the future of the district within the context of the corporate priority of housing.


At the heart of the strategy is the belief that homes are a fundamental part of our lives. Houses should be 'healthy', good quality, sustainable and secure, providing the environment for people to thrive and achieve.


Four main themes with associated outcomes have been developed and will be our focus over the next four years.

Theme 1: Help to meet the housing needs of residents

Theme 2: Facilitate the delivery of new housing across a range of tenures

Theme 3: Enable those whose independence may be at risk to access housing (including their current home) that meets their needs

Theme 4: Encourage, support and regulate the private sector to provide well managed, safe homes

Action plan and monitoring

Our strategy sets out how we intend to deliver outcomes over the next four years and will be regularly monitored by the Cabinet Member for Communities. Progress will be reported annually to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees where achievements, progress and any future challenges will be reviewed.

While we have specified action periods for each outcome in our action plan, the delivery of the activities will be planned annually and regularly updated. 

Other related strategies, policies and reports

Private sector housing

South Kesteven District Council has an ambitious vision for the sustainable growth of the district; a vision which will not be achieved by the District Council alone, but which will rely on the Council to work alongside other public sector bodies and private sector businesses in order to be realised.

This Economic Development Strategy will sit alongside the Council's Corporate Plan, the Local Plan for South Kesteven and the Council's Housing Strategy as the key documents guiding the future of South Kesteven. 

Statement of Licensing Policy 

This policy provides clarity to applicants, interested parties and responsible authorities on how this licensing authority determines applications.

Our duty under the Licensing Act 2003 is to carry out its functions to promote the four licensing objectives.

These are:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder

  • public safety

  • the prevention of public nuisance

  • the protection of children from harm​

Gambling Act Statement of Principles 2023-26

Gambling Statement of Principles 2023-2026

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2021

South Kesteven District Council adopted the new policy with effect from 1 April 2021.

Updated Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 1st April 2021

Street Collection and House to House Collection Policy 2022

South Kesteven District Council adopted the new policy with effect from 1st August 2022

Street Collection and House to House Collection Policy 2022

Street Trading Policy 2022

South Kesteven District Council adopted the new policy with effect from 1st September 2022

Street Trading Policy 2022

Customer Access Strategy

Being a well run council is essential to the delivery of our priorities and a critical element of this is to be customer focused. The more we listen to our customers and provide the service they require, the more we eliminate waste, reduce failure demand and improve customer satisfaction.

IT Strategy

IT is critical for the effective operation of the council and the delivery of the services it provides to both residents and businesses. South Kesteven District Council aspires to have an IT Division that is recognised as an exemplar in the delivery of IT services - providing the best customer experience. At a time of severe financial constraints this is still deliverable. Financial investment is not a prerequisite for the adoption of best practice or for achieving excellence in customer service.

IT Security Policy

Acceptable use of IT policy

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