The South Kesteven Local Plan

The adopted Local Plan sets out the planning policies for South Kesteven up to 2036.

The South Kesteven Local Plan sets out the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and policies for the future development of the district.  It also identifies land and allocates sites for different types of development, such as housing and employment, to deliver the planned growth for South Kesteven 2036.



The key provides a description of the symbols used within the policies maps. 

SKDC Policy Map Key

Whole South Kesteven District

Local Plan Appendices

Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents 

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide further detail on policies within the district’s development plan. The following SPDs accompany the adopted Local Plan.

Forthcoming Supplementary Planning Documents 

Supplementary Planning Documents that are being prepared are listed below. Timescales can be found within the Local Development Scheme.

Forthcoming Supplementary Planning Documents

Design Code

Stamford North SPD

Local Plan Supporting Documents

In preparing the development plan and supplementary planning documents we need to gather a range of evidence to ensure a robust basis for our planning policies. 

Minerals and Waste Planning

As a two tier authority, South Kestevens Minerals and Waste policies are produced by Lincolnshire County Council. Policies and site allocations relating to Minerals and Waste development can be found on the following Webpage - 

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