Public Spaces Protection Orders Consultation

Please note this consultation closed on 17th April 2024.

This would require:

- dog owners to pick up their dog’s waste. This order applies to publicly accessible land across the district

- a person in charge of a dog to put (and keep) the dog on a lead of no more than 1 metre in length when requested to do so by an authorised officer, if such restraint is considered necessary. This order applies to publicly accessible land across the district

- a person in charge of a dog not to enter or permit the dog to enter or remain in an area that has been designated as an enclosed recreational or enclosed play area. This order applies to specific areas across the district as detailed below:


- a person or persons to stop drinking alcohol in a specified area if asked to do so by an authorised officer or police officer. They are also required to surrender any opened alcohol containers, if asked to do so. The order applies to specific areas across the district as detailed below:



This consultation closed on 17 April 2024.


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