Local Plan Review

Find out about the new Local Plan we are currently developing for South Kesteven

About the Local Plan Review

The Local Plan Review will set out the planning framework for the District over the next 20 years up to 2041 and will cover issues such as; housing provision, the economy, town centres, infrastructure provision and the environment. It will also set out policies by which planning applications will be determined, in addition to allocating land for housing, employment and retail uses. 

Until the review has been undertaken and a new Local Plan is found sound and adopted by the Council, the current Local Plan (2011 - 2036) will continue to be the development plan for the District and used in determining planning applications.



The Local Development Scheme (2025/2028) below sets out the timetable and all the consultation stages involved in the preparation of the new Local Plan. In line with the Local Plan timetable, the next consultation on the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan Focussing on Additional Sites will take place in June/July 2025. 

Local Development Scheme


Previous consultations

We consulted on the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan between February-April 2024. You can view the Consultation Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan via the links below

Consultation Portal

Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

Further information on previous consultations can be found below:


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan (2024)

Between Thursday 29th February and Thursday 25th April 2024, we asked for your views on the Regulation 18 draft version of the Local Plan. 

We also published a Interim Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report and Habitat Regulation Assessment. 

There was a good response to the consultation, with over 2,000 comments. You can view the comments via the Consultation Portal

The Council would like to thank everyone that has taken time to read the Draft Local Plan and provided comments. All comments are being considered as the Local Plan evolves and any changes will be reflected in the next iteration of the Local Plan. 

Statement of Consultation 

Appendix: Summary of Responses and Officer Responses

Consultation Documents

Biodiversity Opportunity Areas and Green Infrastructure Areas

Gypsy, Traveller, and Travelling Showpeople Call for Sites (2024)

We carried out a Call for Sites seeking information on potential sites that can deliver any provision for Gypsy, Traveller, and Travelling Showpeople Communities. Including 

•    New sites;
•    Extensions to existing sites; and
•    New pitches on existing sites.

As part of our duty to identify enough housing land for everyone in the district we asked individuals, landowners, and developers to suggest local sites which may be available and suitable for pitches.

Submissions of potential sites were made between 29th February and 25th April 2024. 

All sites submitted to us will be carefully assessed and considered at the next stage of the Local Plan review. This will include an appraisal of any sites that meet the minimum criteria and will identify whether or not any of the sites should be considered as a site allocation in the Local Plan.

Issues and Options Consultation (2020)

The first stage of public consultation on the new Local Plan

From Monday 12th October 2020 to Monday 23rd November 2020 the Council held an Issues and Options consultation to inform the review of the Local Plan. This was the first opportunity for the local community to become involved in the preparation of the Local Plan review.

The Issues and Options was a statement of intention as to what planning policies may need to be reviewed or updated. The consultation asked a series of questions to help the Council determine the scope and content of the Local Plan review. The Issues and Options document can be found below

Issues and Options Document

Sustainability Appraisal Report

Outcomes of the Issues and Options consultation

The Issues and Options consultation proved to be successful in generating interest and gathering views to underpin the next steps of the review of the Local Plan. As a result of the consultation over 1600 responses were received from 124 respondents.

Consultation Statement

Appendix 1 - Full Representations

Appendix 2 - Representations and Officer Responses

Call for Sites (2020)

This stage in the Local Plan process is to identify what land is available for potential development within the district.

Submissions of potential sites were made between October 2020 and September 2022.

The Council is not accepting any further sites at present.

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