We recognise that South Kesteven District contains a rich network of biodiversity and some very important landscapes and habitats. Including other areas which are not designated are still of importance for wildlife and are valued by local people.
Our Local Plan policies provide areas with specific protection such as the Grantham Canal. Outside of areas which have been identified for development and our towns and villages it is the general expectation against built development ensuring that the vast majority of our countryside continues to be protected.
The Plan also includes policies that require improvements to biodiversity by at least 10% (which may include some off-site measures).
As part of the process of preparing the local plan, we have also undertaken a number of detailed legal assessments that examine the impact of development on the environment. These are called Sustainability Assessment (SA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA).
It's a legal requirement that all Local Plans be scrutinised through environmental reports, called the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). These reports consider the Plan’s impact on our environment, wildlife, people and the economy. They also set out how any negative impacts will be addressed.
Both the SA and HRA Scoping Reports are available for comment alongside the Regulation 19 - Draft Local Plan for consultation.