The Council have a number of measures in place to achieve this commitment, including written policy and guidance and effective processes such as a Design Review Panel.
Written policies and guidance include The Local Plan (2020), The Design Guidelines for Rutland and South Kesteven (Design Guide SPD) (2021), Neighbourhood Plans and Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans. The Design Review Panel, known as Design PAD, brings together experts to provide advice and guidance for developers to help shape development.
National and County Council policy and guidance is also used to assess the design quality of development proposals, these include:
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF);
The National Design Guide;
The National Model Design Code;
Building for a Healthy Life;
Manual for Streets;
Lincolnshire Development Roads and Sustainable Drainage Design Approach (2021).
Lincolnshire Sustainable Drainage Design and Evaluation Guide (2018)
The SKDC Local Plan policy DE1 makes specific reference to the need to comply with Manual for Streets and the need for residential proposals to perform positively when assessed against Building for Life (or latest version).
South Kesteven will use these policies, guidance documents and the Design PAD process to assess development proposals and feedback advice on design quality.
Further, more prescriptive, guidance is planned for the future in the form of a Design Code for the District.
The Council have a Principal Design Officer who also provides design advice and training for other Local Planning Authorities.
Please see the other sections within these Design Services pages for further information on the Design Guide, Design Code, Design PAD and design consultancy services.