A Design Code for South Kesteven

To improve the design quality of new development.

  • Would you like to help shape the future of the District?

  • Would you like to influence how new development will be designed?

  • Are you interested in seeing higher quality new development in the District?

South Kesteven District Council, working with Create Streets, is producing a Design Code for the District. The code will set standards for how buildings, streets and public spaces should look, feel and function and will go through multiple stages of public engagement before being finalised.

The project is part of a central government funded Pathfinder scheme and has received some grant funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). 

Upcoming Events

Please come and visit us at our market stall events – there will be some quick and simple activity sheets to complete and/or just come and chat with us about the design of new development and your views and opinions.  We have had events in Stamford and Bourne and the next is:

  • Saturday 8th February: Grantham Market

The Benefits of Design Codes 

Please see some resources about the benefits of Design Codes here: Getting Started with Design Codes - GOV.UK  

Engagement work completed so far

Online interactive map – the online interactive map has now closed and we received just under 1,000 responses – which is great.  We are looking through all of the responses made and this will be fed in to our vision and draft Design Code. 

Workshops – we have held workshops with staff at South Kesteven, with Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Plan groups and with the South Kesteven Youth Council. 

Future engagement work

We are holding further workshops with residents, developers and Councillors.

All of the engagement feedback received is being fed in to the vision for our design code and helping to influence the code document itself. 

There will also be a second round of engagement once we have a draft code.  This will be in early 2025. 

To register your interest in future events, please contact the Council’s Principal Design Officer at: richard.shaw@southkesteven.gov.uk


What is a Design Code?

Design Codes are more prescriptive and precise than Design Guides (such as the Design Guidelines for Rutland and South Kesteven, 2021).

A design code is a set of simple, concise, illustrated design requirements which provide specific, detailed parameters for the physical development of a site or area. Its aim is to improve the design quality of new development in that area.

SKDC is producing a Design Code which will cover the whole of the district.

This new Design Code will supplement the Design Guidelines for Rutland and South Kesteven and may eventually replace it.  

Why is a Design Code so important?

Once approved, the Design Code will contain the design expectations for those submitting planning applications in South Kesteven. Including guidance on enhancing the character of the district, addressing the climate emergency and how best to support vibrant and healthy communities, the code will help to ensure housing developments have a consistent and high-quality standard of design.

Background Information on Design Codes

The Government (Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government) have produced a guide to help Local Planning Authorities to produce Design Codes – this is the National Model Design Code (and Part 2 Guidance Note).  The Government have also set up  The Office for Place, a department aiming to provide support in raising design standards. 

Local Planning Authorities are required to have a Design Code (or Codes) by the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023 (15F in Schedule 7) and they will carry full weight in making decisions on new development proposals. 

Design Codes should follow the principles set out in the National Design Guide

It is an essential that the Design Code is based on effective community engagement and reflects local aspirations for new development.

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