New "Energy Bills Discount Scheme" for businesses announced

On 9 January 2023, the government announced a new energy scheme for businesses, charities, and the public sector, ahead of the current scheme ending in March. The scheme will mean that all eligible UK businesses and other non-domestic energy users will receive a discount on high energy bills until 31 March 2024.

A higher level of support will be provided to businesses in sectors identified as being the most energy and trade intensive - predominately manufacturing industries.

The Chancellor, Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, wrote to the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) yesterday (9 January) asking for an update in time for the Spring Budget on the progress of their review into the non-domestic market. He has asked for their assessment of whether further action is needed to secure a well-functioning market for non-domestic customers following reports of challenges certain customers are facing, including in relation to the pricing and availability of tariffs, standing charges and renewal terms, and the ability of certain sectors to secure contracts.




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