Cost of Living help and support Information

Information on Cost of Living support

To ensure that residents have access to all the information they need, SKDC is sharing facts and pointers on a wide range of help and support available that could benefit them, a relative, friend or neighbour.

There is also:

  • A Help for Households initiative, which explains 41 different Government schemes available to help with the cost of living, can be accessed here: Help for Households

  • Further details of that support can be found here: Cost of Living Factsheet

  • Guidance on getting an extra payment to help with the cost of living if you're entitled to certain benefits or tax credits: Cost of Living Payment

  • The Government has announced immediate, short-term action to support households as part of its Energy Bills Support: Energy bills support factsheet

  • The Government is introducing a new Energy Prices Bill to ensure vital support gets to British consumers this winter: Energy Prices Bill information

Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire

Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire are here to help you find a way forward with the problems you face. If you are worried about paying your bills, they can provide expert advice on what you need to do and extra help available.

Their advisers can support you with a range of cost-of-living issues including, but not limited to:

  • Debt

  • Benefits

  • Housing

  • Employment

  • Consumer Issues

  • Relationships and Family

Their advice is free, independent, impartial and confidential. If you need support, please don't hesitate to contact Adviceline on 0808 278 7996 or if you are in an emergency situation, visit one of their face-to-face locations. More details can be found at is external)

SKDC will do all we can to help people cope pressure on domestic budgets, which will intensify as the weather turns colder and heating bills rise.

We will work to help residents receive the benefits and other support they are entitled to such as Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support, Discretionary Housing Payments and Discretionary Council Tax Payments, and by working with stakeholders and voluntary sector partners.

Details on these and more payments, support and advice, can be found on the pages below.

Current cost of living payments being issued

Energy saving and energy efficiency

Financial support

Health & Wellbeing

Help for Business

Help with food

Help with housing costs

Maximising your income/benefits

Support for Children

Support for older people

Warm Spaces

Grants for Organisations

Support across Lincolnshire

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