Financial support

Cost of Living financial support

Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire

Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire are here to help you find a way forward with the problems you face.  If you are worried about paying your bills, they can provide expert advice on what you need to do and extra help available. Their advisers can support you with a range of cost-of-living issues including, but not limited to:

  • Debt

  • Benefits

  • Housing

  • Employment

  • Consumer Issues

  • Relationships and Family

Advice is free, independent, impartial and confidential.  If you need support, please don't hesitate to contact Adviceline on 0808 278 7996 or if you are in an emergency situation, visit one of their face-to-face locations. More details can be found at

Help to Claim

If residents have lost their job or seen reduced hours, they might be eligible for Universal Credit.

Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs.  Universal Credit: How to claim

Support is available on freephone 0800 1448444 Information on Universal Credit, advance payment and the migration from 'legacy benefits' is available at

Pension Credit

Pension Credit gives you extra money to help people of State Pension age and on a low income with living costs. Pension Credit can also help with housing costs such as ground rent or service charges and is a 'passport benefit' which allows access to other support such as free TV license, Warm Homes Discount and N HS dental treatment. £10,000 or less in savings and investments does not affect Pension Credit entitlement. More details on eligibility, amounts and how to ap ply are available at Pension Credit claim line: 0800 99 1234

Lincolnshire Credit Union

Credit Unions help people save money and can offer affordable loans. They are an alternative to loan sharks and pay-day lenders and can help people avoid problems.  You can call them on 0330 004 0842.

Social Tariffs

Switching provider or accessing discount ed social tariffs can help households save money. Ofcom are raising awareness of social tariffs from broadband and phone packages and how people can access them.

Anglian Water offer tariffs for low-income households that can offer up to 50% discount on water and sewage charges. Residents can call the Extra Care Team on 0800 232 1963 and see if they are able to switch tariff or find if there other ways Anglian Water can help with bills.

Money Advice & Pensions Service

Government funded debt advice, budgeting tools and money advice is provided by the Money and Pensions Service. Money Helper offers free, impartial help with money online, over the phone on 0800 138 7777 or on WhatsApp on 07701 342 744

Debt Advice

In Lincolnshire, Citizens Advice organisations deliver telephone and face-to-face debt support as part of national commission. This can be accessed locally through Advice Line on freephone 0800 1448848

Residents can also access free, confidential, regulated debt advice through Step Change Debt Charity at or by calling 0800 138 1111.

StepChange - Debt advice

Residents can access free, confidential, regulated debt advice through Step Change Debt Charity at StepChange Debt Charity or by calling 0800 138 1111

Loan sharks and illegal money lending

Money Wellness - Debt advice
Free debt and money advice 
Money Wellness


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