How to pay for parking

Costs and parking hours are shown on the machine.

Pay and display

Where pay and display parking is in operation you can park your car in a space and then buy a ticket from the payment machine.

All car park ticket machines in SKDC car parks are enabled for card/contactless payment, as well as for payment with cash.

Please buy a ticket to cover the amount of time you intend to stay and display the ticket in your car.

Parking by app

RingGo parking by mobile app is now available in our pay and display car parks.

The RingGo app can be downloaded onto a smartphone from your ususal provider or by visiting is external).

Motorists can manage a booking online, whether by extending parking without returning to the vehicle, or by saving details for faster booking in the future.

SKDC Car Park Season Tickets

Report a pay and display machine out of order

To report a machine out of order, please call 01476 40 60 80 or 07712 199061

  • state the name of the car park and machine number on the pay and display information board

  • describe the ticket machine fault, e.g. the digital display is blank, jammed coins etc

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