Report benefit fraud and other wrong-doing

Fraud is committed when someone claiming housing or council tax support does not tell us the truth about their circumstances.

Report benefit fraud

Benefit fraud occurs when we are not told:

  • the correct income of the household

  • the correct amount of savings and capital in the household

  • if a partner, or other adults (over 18 years old) live in the same property

  • if they own another property or land

  • if they have moved and continue to accept housing benefit payments

  • the person pretends to rent a property which they actually own

  • the person pretends to be paying more rent than they actually are

  • the landlord fails to tell us their tenant has moved and still accepts housing benefit payments for them

To report suspected benefit fraud and help us catch benefits cheats, please report it using one of the following methods:



0800 854 440


National Benefit Fraud Hotline
PO Box 224

Report other types of wrong-doing

We take wrong-doing very seriously. Hotlines have been established to allow staff, councillors and the public to raise concerns.

Though reports can be raised anonymously, individuals are encouraged to leave as much information as possible to assist with the investigation.

Download our Whistleblowing Policy which provides information around whistleblowing, including what can be reported and how it can be reported

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