Housing Benefits and Council Tax Support

Benefits and support can be claimed if you or other people living in your home are on low incomes.

This includes people who are employed or self-employed. The amount of help will depend on income, savings and your personal circumstances.

Understanding your benefit payments

Housing Benefit

You can claim Housing Benefit if you pay rent to a housing association, private landlord or your local council.

The easiest way to claim is via our online application:

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction Application Form

If you're receiving housing benefit and your circumstances change 

How to tell us about a change 

You need to contact us and provide proof of the change by emailing benefits@southkesteven.gov.uk or by calling 01476 406080.

Alternatively you can notify us by writing to:
South Kesteven District Council,
Council Offices, The Picture House,
St Catherine's Road,
Grantham NG31 6TT

Council Tax Support

Who can apply ?

You can apply for council tax support if you own your home, rent, are unemployed or working.

You may get council tax support if you

•   live at the property

•   pay council tax; and

•   have a low income, or are entitled to a benefit paid by the Department for Work and Pensions or the Pension Service

When should you apply?

It is important that you contact us as soon as you think you may be entitled to help, if you delay you may lose out.

You cannot claim council tax support if you:

•   are not the householder, or the person responsible to pay council tax

•   have more than £16,000 in savings, unless you receive guaranteed Pension Credit

•   are excluded from receiving public funds, due to your status in the UK

For council tax support, pension age means anyone who has reached the qualifying age for State Pension. 

Full-time students can't usually get council tax support, but may be eligible for a student discount which will be deducted from your council tax liability. 

Claiming Council Tax Support

The quickest way to claim Council Tax Support is via our online application at the Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction Application Form.

If further information or evidence is required we will advise you.

When your award would start?

We can normally only start your award from the Monday following the date we receive your application. We can treat your application as being made from the date you contact us to request a new claim.

If you are entitled to council tax support, we will send you a revised, reduced council tax bill.

How much could I receive?

•   Residents who are of state pension age are eligible to receive a maximum of 100% support towards their council tax bill.

•   Working age residents will receive a maximum of 80% support towards their council tax bill.

•   If you or a member of your household are considered disabled, are in receipt of carers allowance or in receipt of a war disability or war widow's pension, you will be eligible for help with paying up to 100% of your weekly council tax charge

If you're receiving council tax support and your circumstances change 

How to tell us about a change 

You can report a change at http://www.southkesteven.gov.uk/tellus

You need to contact us and provide proof of the change by emailing benefits@southkesteven.gov.uk or by calling 01476 406080.

Alternatively you can notify us by writing to:
South Kesteven District Council,
Council Offices, The Picture House,
St Catherine's Road,
Grantham NG31 6TT

What you need to tell us about 

You need to tell us straight away about any change that could affect your council tax support.

You must tell us even if you have told another agency, for example the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) or the Pension Service.

Below are some of the common changes you need to tell us about.

Changes to income / capital / savings 

•   Changes in wages, maintenance, works pensions, tax credits, benefits etc.

•   If any sort of income starts or stops.

•   Your capital increases above, or decreases below £10,000.

You may get extended payments of council tax support if you start work or increase your hours.

Changes to household 

•   If anyone comes to stay with you or moves out, including people who go into hospital or prison.

•   If anyone who lives with you starts or stops work.

•   If there is any change in the income of someone who lives with you.

•   If you have a new baby.

•   If a child or young person leaves school

If you move 

•   If you move home.

•   If you will be away from home for more than four weeks.

•   If you go into hospital or a nursing home

Other changes 

•   If you stop receiving Child Benefit.

•   Changes to the amount of childcare you pay.

•   If you become a student or finish your course.

These are not full lists. If you're not sure, tell us about a change anyway and we will let you know if it affects your council tax support.

Who can get extended payments of council tax support?

To get extended payments of council tax support, you or your partner must

•   be starting work or increasing your hours; and

•   expect your new work or increased hours to last for five weeks or more; and

•   have had an entitlement to Jobseeker's Allowance (income-based or contribution-based), Income Support, Employment and Support Allowance, or Severe Disablement Allowance for a continuous period of 26 weeks or more.

Extended payments of council tax support are automatically given to you if you are eligible, you don't need to apply for them.  We will give you four weeks council tax support at the same rate as before you started work or increased your hours.

If you disagree with our decision about your council tax support 

When you apply for council tax support, we give you a decision in writing about your application. If you disagree with our decision, you can ask us to look at it again.

If you ask us to look at our decision again and we decide that it is correct, you must then appeal directly to the Valuation Tribunal Service if you still disagree.

You can appeal directly to the Valuation Tribunal Service if we have not replied to your dispute within two months.

You can't appeal against a council tax support decision without first asking us to look at the decision again.

You must be the person who has applied for council tax support to do either of these.

Extra support - discretionary payments 

If you are having difficulty paying your council tax you may be able to receive additional support.

Our Discretionary Payment scheme allows us to make additional payments to people who receive Council Tax Support, who appear to need further help with council tax payments.

Any award is not intended to be long term ongoing payments. They are awarded on a short term basis while you take action to improve your circumstances.

You can apply at http://www.southkesteven.gov.uk/DHP


South Kesteven District Council - Council Tax Support Scheme Rules - 2024-25

South Kesteven District Council - Council Tax Support Scheme Rules - 2023-24

South Kesteven District Council - Council Tax Support Scheme Rules - 2022-23

South Kesteven District Council - Council Tax Support Scheme Rules - 2021-22

South Kesteven District Council - Council Tax Support Scheme Rules - 2020-21

South Kesteven District Council - Council Tax Support Scheme Rules - 2019-20

South Kesteven District Council - Council Tax Support Scheme Rules 2018-19

South Kesteven District Council - Council Tax Support Scheme Rules 2017-18

South Kesteven District Council - Council Tax Support Rules 2016-17

South Kesteven District Council - Council Tax Support Rules 2015-16

Second Adult Rebate

You can claim Second Adult Rebate if you are the only person in your home who is liable to pay council tax, but there is at least one other person aged 18 or over, who is not your partner, and is not a joint tenant. The Second Adult Rebate calculation is based on their income, not yours.

The easiest way to claim Second Adult Rebate is via our online application form.

Second Adult Rebate Application Form

For further information, please submit an enquiry 

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