Parks and playing fields

We have three formal parks in the district: Wyndham Park, Dysart Park and Queen Elizabeth Park.

We have three formal parks in the district: Wyndham Park, Dysart Park and Queen Elizabeth Park which are all in Grantham. All three parks have accredited Green Flag status. The Visitor Centre at Wyndham Park is open to the public and all enquiries about days and times of opening and the activities on offer can be made by email to

The Witham/Slea Blue Green corridor project is an exciting new partnership project funded by the European Regional Development Fund, South Kesteven District Council, North Kesteven District Council, Environment Agency, and National Trust, designed to restore and reconnect the river and river corridors through the urban reaches of both Grantham and Sleaford.

For further information, please visit the project website.

Park management

The parks are owned by South Kesteven District Council.

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