Budgets and accounts

We publish financial information on our budgets and accounts each year.

Revenue and capital budget

You can view our revenue and capital budget documents by year below.

Revenue and Capital Budget (inc fees and charges) 2022-2023

Revenue and Capital Budget (inc fees and charges) 2021-2022

Revenue and Capital Budget (inc fees and charges) 2019-2020

Revenue and Capital Budget (inc fees and charges) 2018-2019

Revenue and Capital Budget (inc fees and charges) 2017-2018

Revenue and Capital Budget (inc fees and charges) 2016-2017


You can view our accounts documents by year below.

Please find below a link to the 2021/22 Statement of Accounts. Grant Thornton has not issued their certificate of completion of the audit yet as they are required to issue a report on the Council’s arrangements for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources. Grant Thornton plan to complete this work and issue their Auditor’s Annual Report by December 2023. Once the certificate of completion has been issued the council will publish the Conclusion of Audit of Accounts 2021/22 Notice.



Audited Statement of Accounts 2023-24

Audit Completion Notice 2023-24

Notice of Inspection - 2023-24 Statement of Accounts


Audited Statement of Accounts 2022-23

Audit Completion Notice 2022-23

Notice of inspection - 2022-23 Statement of Accounts

Notice of Delay to Publication of the Unaudited Draft Statement of Accounts 2022-23


2021-22 Statement of Accounts

Notice of inspection - SKDC 2021-22 Statement of Accounts


Statement of Accounts 2020-21

Audit Completion Notice

Notice of inspection - 2020-21 Statement of Accounts


Statement of Accounts 2019-20

Audit Completion Notice

Notice of Inspection - 2019-20 Statement of Accounts


Statement of accounts 2018-19 with audit opinion

Notice of inspection - 2018-19 Statement of Accounts


Statement of Accounts 2017-2018

Notice of inspection_Statement of accounts 2017-2018

Summary of accounts 2017-2018


Statement of Accounts 2016-2017

Summary of Accounts 2016-2017

Notice of inspection_Statement of Accounts 2016-2017


Statement of Accounts 2015-2016

Summary of Accounts 2015-2016

Notice of inspection_Statement of Accounts 2015-2016

Notice of Conclusion_Statement of Accounts 2015-2016


Summary of Accounts 2014-2015

Statement of Accounts 2014-2015

Audit of Accounts 2014-2015 Public rights


Statement of Accounts 2013-2014

Audit of Accounts 2013-2014 Notice

Audit of Accounts 2013-2014 Public rights

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