About the Street Naming and Numbering Service

South Kesteven District Council is responsible for the naming of streets and numbering of properties within its area.

The aim of this is to ensure that any new street names, building names and numbers are allocated logically and consistently as this enables:

  • Emergency services to find a property quickly and effectively

  • Reliable postal delivery

  • Reliable delivery of services and goods by courier companies

  • The general public to locate and reference properties

  • Statutory undertakers to connect their services to premise and link them to a postal address for billing

  • Records of service providers to be kept in an efficient manner

  • Companies to accept an address for official purposes. (e.g. insurance, credit rating)

We are responsible for allocating house numbers and road names to new developments and property conversions. Individuals and developers must not allocate their own house numbers, building or street names. These will not be registered with Royal mail. If a property is not ‘registered’ through the street naming and numbering process it will not appear on the main address database and the owner/occupier will encounter difficulties in obtaining mail, goods and services from a variety of sources.  We also maintain the definitive record of all street names and property addresses (called the Local land and property Gazetteer).


Application Form for street name and numbering services

Existing property name change/ addition of name/removal of name £50
Numbering of new properties / new developments  
Per Plot £50
Naming of new streets  
Per Street £110
Re-addressing following developer amendments (per plot) £50
Renaming/renumbering of street at residents request £275 &
£50 per property
Confirmation of address £50


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