What adaptations could the grant cover?
installing a stair lift
modifying a bathroom
providing ramps
making doorways wider
making sleeping and toilet facilities accessible
and much more...
Who is eligible and how to apply
You can apply for a mandatory Disabled Facilities Grant if you are a private owner occupier, private tenant or housing association tenant who has had an assessment by an Occupational Therapist which suggested adaptations to your home are required for your needs. Please enquire about a grant with our Housing team if you are a council tenant. Contact the private sector housing team for further information - email dfg@southkesteven.gov.uk
Request an assessment
You can arrange this with Lincolnshire County Council's Social Services team.
Contact the Adult Social Care team on 01522 782155 or the Children with Disabilities team on 01522 782111.
After you have been assessed, if the Occupational Therapist considers you may be eligible, they will forward us a recommendation based on your needs. The works must be necessary and appropriate to meet the needs of the disabled occupant and it must be reasonable and practicable to carry out the work.
The Private Sector Housing Team will then contact you to collect some initial financial information and carry out a means test. This is used to assess the level of contribution the disabled person would have to make towards the cost of the works. If your application proceeds, plans will be drawn up (if applicable) for approval by the Occupational Therapist prior to approval of a grant.