Parliamentary General election - 4 July 2024

The Parliamentary General election will be held on Thursday 4 July 2024

Declaration of Result of Poll - Grantham and Bourne Constituency


Inspection of Parliamentary Returns as to Election Expenses - Grantham and Bourne Constituency

The returns and declarations as to election expenses of the candidates and elections agents at the Parliamentary election held on 4 July 2024 for the Grantham and Bourne constituency may be inspected at South Kesteven District Council, Grantham during office hours.

An appointment is required to inspect the documents - please contact the elections team on 01476 406080, email to make an appointment.

View a copy of the Notice of Inspection of Election Expenses below.

Notice of Inspection of Election Expenses

The returns and declarations are available for inspection for a period of two years from the receipt of the returns.


Published Notices

Grantham and Bourne Constituency:

Rutland and Stamford Constituency (published by Rutland County Council Acting Returning Officer):

South Holland and the Deepings Constituency (published by South Holland District Council Acting Returning Officer):


For the UK Parliamentary election, the country is divided into electoral areas called constituencies.  Each constituency has its own MP.  Constituency boundaries in the UK have changed - a new set of boundaries for Westminster constituencies will be used at the 2024 UK general election.  The South Kesteven area is made up of three Parliamentary Constituencies:

  • Grantham and Bourne Constituency
  • Rutland and Stamford Constituency
  • South Holland and the Deepings Constituency

Details of which areas of South Kesteven fall within which constituency can be viewed here.

The Acting Returning Officer of South Kesteven District Council is responsible for the election for the Grantham and Bourne Constituency

The Rutland and Stamford Constituency is managed by Rutland County Council and further information can be found on their website General election 2024 | Rutland County Council.  

The South Holland and the Deepings Constituency is organised by South Holland District Council and further information can be found on their website Parliamentary Elections - South Holland District Council (

Information for Candidates


Candidates wishing to stand for election can refer to the Electoral Commission’s website Guidance for Candidates and Agents at UK Parliamentary general elections in Great Britain | Electoral Commission for guidance on becoming a candidate.

Briefing sessions:

The Acting Returning Officer for the Grantham and Bourne Constituency will be holding a briefing session for candidates and election agents at the Parliamentary election in the Grantham and Bourne Constituency.  The briefing session will be held at Council Chamber, South Kesteven House, St Peter’s Hill, Grantham on Tuesday 11 June at 6.00pm.

Candidates and agents attending this briefing or require further information, please email or call the elections team on 01476 406080. 

Forms and Information for Candidates and Agents

Forms and resources for Candidates and Agents


Information for Voters

Registering to Vote

If you are unsure if you are registered to vote, contact our Elections team on 01476 406080 or email

The deadline for registering to vote for General election is midnight on Tuesday 18 June 2024. You can register to vote online

Apply to Vote by Post

You can apply online to vote by post

The deadline for applying to vote by post for the General election is 5pm on Wednesday 19 June 2024.  If you are not able to complete the online application, you can download a postal vote application form.

Receiving and returning your Postal Vote

Postal ballot papers will be sent out around 1 to 2 weeks before polling day. Return your completed postal vote by post using Royal Mail - allow enough time for it to arrive.  It must be received by 10pm on Polling Day for it to be counted.  

Alternatively, postal votes can be handed in to an authorised officer at the Council Offices or at a polling station - you will be required to complete a Postal Vote Return Form when handing in your postal vote.  You can only hand in up to five postal votes, plus your own to the Council Offices or a polling station.

Postal votes must not be posted in the letter box of the council offices as they will be rejected.  We are required by law to reject any postal votes delivered by hand if the Postal Vote Return Form is not completed. This is a new law introduced for all elections held from 2 May 2024.

Apply to Vote by Proxy

If you are not able to vote at your polling station, you can apply to vote by proxy (appointing someone else to vote on your behalf). The person you appoint as your proxy must be registered and eligible to vote. Photo ID is required to be shown when voting at the polling station and your proxy will need to bring their own photo ID to the polling station when voting on your behalf (unless they apply to vote by post on your behalf).

The deadline for applying for a proxy vote is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024.

You can apply online to vote by proxy for some types of proxy vote.

Further information and application forms can be found here

Voter ID at polling stations

All voters at a polling station must show an accepted form of photographic identification (photo ID) in order to be able to vote.  Anyone who does not have an accepted form of ID can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate to use at the polling station.  The deadline for applying for a Voter Authority Certificate is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024.

More information on Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificates

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