We inspect individual sites to determine whether they are contaminated and ensure action is taken to clean it up if necessary.
The cost of any clean-up usually lies with the polluter of the land. However, where the polluter cannot be found, landowners or occupiers can be liable.
We also check that developers take responsibility for ensuring that land is clear of any contamination.
Our 'Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy' explains how the council undertakes inspections and identifies contaminated land.
Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy
We ensure that new development on land which may be contaminated does not result in an unacceptable risk to the future users of the site. In order to ensure land is fit for development, applicants must submit information on whether the site poses any risk of contamination. Work may be required before development can take place.
Guidance documents below are available to assist developers of land which may be contaminated.
Development on land affected by contamination
Verification requirements for gas protection systems
We have information about the historic use of many parts of the district and can provide a written survey for a fee of £145.00
The Environment Agency is responsible for heavily contaminated land sites. Further information can be found on the Environment Agency website
We keep a record at our offices of all contaminated land sites in the district. The register is available at our council offices in Grantham during normal working hours