Improving mental wellbeing

Resources to support mental health and mental wellbeing

SKDC is putting the mental health of residents, staff and councillors at the forefront of its work and is signed up to the Local Authority Mental Health Challenge.

Ways to maintain personal wellbeing

Every Mind Matters shares positive things we can do to look after our mental health.

Online visitors can take a quick, five question mood quiz to work out their best course of action.

Coping with the impact and experience of how we live in a world with Coronavirus, including:

  • Coronavirus and wellbeing

  • Coping with loneliness

  • 10 tips to deal with change

  • Coping with money worries and job uncertainty

  • Mental wellbeing while staying at home

Mental health charity MIND also offers advice on how to cope with emotions connected to the pandemic.

How to be mentally healthy at work details how to stay well at work, whether you're returning to the world of work after time away, are experiencing work stress, or trying to maintain a healthy working life. 

Local support in South Kesteven

BHive provides a volunteer co-ordination hub for Grantham and the surrounding area. It can be found online at, where you can find their contact details. They have a website currently being built at

Don't Lose Hope is a charity that offers a professional counselling service for all members of the community from age 4 upwards. This is a free service for families/individuals receiving certain state benefits and affordable to all others, delivered by a team of qualified and experienced counsellors.

MindSpace Stamford is a local charity committed to improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole town, helping people to flourish.

The Evergreen Care Trust has a wide range of life-enhancing supports and interventions in response to the changing needs of adults experiencing periods of vulnerability in our community, developing new services and projects accordingly.

Where to look in times of stress or anxiety

- 24-hour advice and support - for you, your child, your parent or someone you care for

- help to speak to a mental health professional

- an assessment to help decide on the best course of care

  • The Samaritans: Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year: Call 116 123 free from any phone or 0330 094 5717 local call charges apply.

Mental wellbeing notes for people who run businesses

Guide for small businesses: In partnership with the Federation of Small Businesses, the mental health charity MIND has created a guide for small businesses with advice on managing mental health and supporting staff.

Help for Armed Forces service leavers and families

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