Community funding and volunteering

Find out about the SK Community Fund, LotterySK and our volunteering opportunities.

Charities, community and voluntary organisations provide an invaluable service across our district every day and South Kesteven District Council is keen to support the excellent work they do.

Local, constituted, groups and organisations can apply to the SK Community Fund for grants to support projects or events which take place in South Kesteven.

Financial assistance offered through the Fund is available through three strands:

  • Small grants - groups can apply for between £100 - £2,000

  • Community events - groups can apply for between £500 - £5,000

  • Community projects - groups can apply for between £500 - £5,000

Those applying through the small grants scheme can request up to 100% of project costs. This grant scheme is open to groups with financial resource of below £10,000.

80% of total eligible costs up to a maximum award of £5000 can be applied for towards the cost of community projects or events. The minimum contribution (match funding) required from applicants is 20%. This can be made up of own cash contribution, donations, grants and sponsorship.

What we won't fund

The SK Community Fund is not open to applications from clubs, groups or organisations that require people to pay a membership fee in order to participate, closed groups e.g. residents' associations, patient participation groups, sports clubs, Scout groups etc (set up costs for new groups and free, open-access events may be eligible). We do not accept applications from individuals.  Other events/projects that will not be supported include:  

  • Projects or events that are for private gain

  • Projects or events that are deemed to be within the 'business as usual' of groups and organisations or, in the case of Parish and Town Councils, projects or events that are parish-specific and should be supported through the Precept process

  • Events primarily intended to pass on surplus income to other organisations, e.g. charity concerts

  • Revenue costs - salaries, project officer or other employee costs, rents, statutory training etc. (Sessional worker fees requested as part of an Events application may be considered)

  • Car Parks, footpaths and roadways or any other project related to highways (including village signs or speed signage/cameras etc)

  • Projects or events that already receive SKDC District Council funding (e.g. Food Support Fund, Section 106, UK Shared Prosperity Funding etc).

  • Event costs incurred for catering/refreshments

  • General appeals or sponsorship

  • Activities of a mainly political or religious nature, monuments, improvements to the fabric of church buildings, and its fixtures and fittings (non-religious community activities, held within a place of worship, may be eligible

  • Contingency funds, income deficits, bridging loans or security against a loan

How to apply

Application forms can be requested by email to 

The current closing dates are:

  • 30th May 2024
  • 20th August 2024
  • 19th November 2024
  • 18th February 2025

These are the final dates for each funding round to which an application can be submitted.  Groups are however encouraged to submit applications as early as possible before the closing date to allow time for the Community Engagement Team to review and request any necessary clarification or documents required as part of the submission.  Our aim is to give you every opportunity to make your application eligible. 

All eligible applications will be presented to the Fund's Awarding Panel within two weeks of each advertised closing date.

Incomplete applications and applications that are received on or after the published closing dates will not be considered by the Awarding Panel.


In September 2018 SKDC launched a local lottery called LotterySK, which helps raise money for local charities and good causes. From each £1 ticket, 60p is donated to good causes. 

Money from each ticket helps support the SK Community Fund. 50p of each £1 ticket bought in support of a good cause goes directly to that cause. The remaining 10p goes into our SK Community Fund for groups to apply for in support of their community projects. If a ticket buyer chooses not to support a specific good cause the whole 60p goes to the SK Community Fund.  Therefore, all of that 60p goes to a local group or charity within South Kesteven either directly or indirectly.

Groups supported through the SK Community, and therefore LotterySK, during 2022/2023:

SK Community Fund Grants 2022-2023


We have opportunities for volunteers in our Arts Centres and public parks. If you are interested in volunteering please contact:

For further information on other volunteering opportunities in the area or if you are a voluntary organisation seeking more volunteers or support please visit:

Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service

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