Selling to the council

Our services are only be possible through close working with contractors. If you want to work with the council, please read our guidance below.

Selling to the council

Our services are only possible through close working relationships with our contractors, suppliers and service providers. If you are interested in being a supplier to the Council, please read our guidance below.

South Kesteven District Council contracts with suppliers locally and nationally to deliver services and projects.

Welland Procurement

As well as carrying out procurement activity in-house, SKDC also work with Welland Procurement, who support and advise us on procurement processes for requirements that are £50,000 and above in total value.

Please contact who can provide resources to help you through the process.

Working both in house and with Welland Procurement, SKDC will:

  • Ensure efficiency but not at the cost of quality
  • Deliver socially responsible procurement processes
  • Engage the most appropriate suppliers to deliver our needs
  • Account for social and environmental impacts

The Procurement Process

The procurement process we follow depends on the estimated total contract value of what we are looking to buy. The information below gives an overview of these values and the type of procurement process:

  • Below £10,000: we carry out a single quotation process for award to a supplier
  • Between £10,000 and £49,999: we shall request at least three quotations from suppliers
  • £50,000 and above: this is our tender threshold, where tender opportunities are advertised on Contracts Finder and FTS and a formal tender process conducted on Proactis

Contracts are awarded via procurements compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations (2015), the Council does not operate an Approved List of Suppliers.

If you want to tender for works and services advertised by the Council, please register on Contracts Finder and Proactis, you will then be notified when opportunities are advertised.

Contracts valued over £213,000 (including VAT) will be procured in accordance with the PCR 2015 Regulations.

Note – The Public Contract Regulations will be replaced by the Procurement Act 2023 which expect to be live from October 2024.

Please see below for information on the new Act:

KD3: Knowledge Drop for Suppliers part 1: is external)

KD3: Knowledge Drop for Suppliers part 2: is external)

KD3: Knowledge Drop for Suppliers part 3: is external)

KD3b: Knowledge Drop for SME/VCSEs part 1: is external)

KD3b: Knowledge Drop for SME/VCSEs part 2: is external)

KD3b: Knowledge Drop for SME/VCSEs part 3: is external)

Useful links for suppliers:


Contract Register

The existing Contract Register shares live information about our current contracts, you can access this in order to gain an insight into the type of contracts we have requirements for and the value of spend within the South Kesteven area.

You can also see when contracts are due to end and therefor when new tender opportunities are likely to be published. We would expect to start advertising replacement contracts 3-6 months before the end date.


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