Garden waste collections

South Kesteven District Council's Garden Waste service is now open for the 2025/2026 season.

The Council's Garden Waste collection service is an easy way to save time, money and hassle, with no need for trips to the tip or to mess up your car with bags.

Last year more than 32,000 customers joined the popular scheme.

You pay just one annual fee and there is no limit to the number of garden waste bins you can buy.

With 23 collections per year, each collection costs just £2.30.

Existing customers are being invited to re-join now - and it's also open for new members. The cost for the year round service in 2025/2026 is £53. Customers will pay the same fee however they choose to make payment. Simply click on the ‘Join Now’ button below to get started, and you can pay for the service safely and securely online. 

Existing Direct Debit payers: to purchase an additional bin or to amend/cancel your service for the coming year, please use the 'Amend or cancel a Direct Debit garden recycling mandate' button below by Monday 3 March 2025. You will need to have your GoCardless mandate ID reference to hand. If no changes are needed to your subscription and you wish to renew the same number of bins/stickers that you had last year, you do not need to do anything. If you need to notify us of a change to the Direct Debit bank account, please cancel the existing Direct Debit using the 'Amend or cancel a Direct Debit garden recycling mandate' button and setup a new one using the 'Join Now' button.

Card payers: please use the 'Join Now' button below.

New customers will pay £96 (bin £29; delivery £14; annual collection fee £53).

If you have any questions, please take a look at our Green Waste FAQ and Terms and conditions.

**Green bin stickers will be sent from Monday 10 March 2025 – please allow up to 10 working days for delivery**

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