Consultation on proposals for Wyndham Park, Grantham

This consultation will measure support for a proposal to set aside an area in Wyndham Park to promote biodiversity, which could also be used as somewhere to exercise dogs off their leads.

What would the area look like?

The proposed area would be just over 4,000 square metres, with half dedicated to meadow creation.

A pattern of wide mown pathways would be maintained as part of the scheme to ensure different options for those walking their dogs or visiting the area.

Several bins would be provided to promote considerate behaviour from dog owners, whilst a fixed bench will allow users to sit and enjoy the natural environment.

Eleven trees would be planted as part of this project. These would be native species of Field Maple (2), English Oak (2), Hawthorn (3) and Scots Pine (4).

The area would also be fenced to ensure dogs could be exercised safely and securely.

Where in Wyndham Park would the area be located?

The paddock would be located on the east side of Wyndham Park adjacent to Sandon Road, as illustrated on the map below:

Wyndham Park Consultation

Why is SKDC looking at this proposal?

The Council is committed to reducing carbon emissions and helping to ensure the district is well adapted to the demands of a changing climate.

Keen to encourage biodiversity wherever and whenever possible, this site has been identified as an area which could potentially be set aside for nature. 

If fenced, it could also be used as an area where dogs can be exercised either on or off the lead safely and securely – an amenity which has been requested by those visiting the park.

How can I help?

You can help by completing one of our surveys. By telling the Council what you think of its proposal to set aside an area for nature in Wyndham Park which could also be used to exercise dogs off lead you will help us measure the amount of support there is for this project.

Please click here to take part


For a printed copy of the survey, please contact our project team via email: or by phone 01476 406080.

For a copy of this survey in an alternative format or another language, please contact the Council’s Communications section via email: or by phone: 01476 406080.


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