Overview and Scrutiny Committees

All of our Overview and Scutiny Committees have a public speaking session at the beginning of each meeting. These sessions are for members of the public to speak on any matter at the discretion of the chair.

View the Overview and Scrutiny Committees on our moderngov portal

Who can speak at the meetings?

Any member of the public can speak in the public speaking session. The comments made during the public speaking session are recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Those minutes are usually published on our moderngov portal about one week after the meeting. If you would like a written copy to be sent to you please ask the clerk at the meeting.

Do I need to provide notice of my intention to speak?

You need to give notice of your intention to speak 24 hours in advance of the meeting by emailing the Democratic Services team Democracy@southkesteven.gov.uk. View committee details on our moderngov portal

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