Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment Licensing Committee and Licensing Committee

The Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment Licensing Committee and the Licensing Committee take place once a month.

Where and when?

The Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment Licensing Committee and the Licensing Committee take place once a month, this is usually on a Friday, however, meetings can take place at other times subject to when an application is received.

Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment Licensing Committee

Who can speak at meetings?

Only people who have made a representation (in support or against) in respect of an application within the 28 day consultation period will be allowed to speak at Committee.  Interested parties can attend Committee meetings but will not be allowed to speak, unless they have made a representation within the above consultation period.  There is no limit to the number of interested parties who can speak at committee, however, they must have submitted a representation during the consultation period, this also applies to any Councillor (who does not sit on the Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment Licensing Committee) who wishes to speak in respect of an application.

Interested parties who are permitted to speak (see above), are allowed to ask questions of other parties involved in the hearing.  However, they will need to be prepared to answer questions put forward by councillors, the applicant, the licensing officer and other interested parties (for example, statutory authorities like the police).

Any information which supports the representation you made should be sent to the Licensing Officer in an electronic format (e-mail with an attachment) at least two working days before the hearing is due to be held. 

A party which wants to introduce documentary evidence at the hearing itself, should bring sufficient copies for all other parties and Members of the Committee present. Consent from all parties present at the hearing, including the Committee's consent will be required for late papers to be taken into consideration.

Licensing Committee

Who can speak at meetings?

Opportunities to speak at a Licensing Committee will depend upon the application before the Committee. For example, if the hearing is in respect of taxi or private hire matters,  only people directly related to the hearing may participate in the meeting.

Comments can be submitted in writing, by the person whose case is before the committee, if they are unable to attend in person. It will be for the Committee to determine whether or not to proceed with the case in the persons absence.  Comments should be emailed to at least two working days prior to the Licensing Committee hearing.

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