Fees and charges - Wheeled bins and bulky waste collections

The council operates an in-house service for the collection of all household waste - refuse, recycling, green compostable waste and bulky items

Green Waste 


Delivery of green bin (or bins to the same address)


Provision of green bin (all new or additional bins)


Annual collection charge (first bin)


Annual collection charge (each subsequent bin)



Wheeled bins, replacement parts and recycling sacks


Delivery of bin (or bins to the same address) 


Additional clear recycling sacks (pack of 15)


Replacement of damaged 240 ltr wheelie bins *


where bins have been damaged by the resident


 Additional bins for landlords ( subject to qualifying criteria)


Delivery of bin (or bins to the same address) 


240 ltr bin



Additional bins for families (subject to qualifying criteria)


Delivery of bin (or bins to the same address)


360 ltr bin



Developers charge for new developments


Delivery of bin (or bins to the same address)


Set of bins (1 black 240 ltr & 1 silver 240 ltr) & 1 paper and card 



Bulky waste collections


Bulk household items - first item


- each additional item


White goods collection


Piano collection


Ad hoc bulky collections (non standard items) - to be assessed by supervisor, charged appropriately.


Private street cleansing

Based on cost recovery


Commercial waste collections (including bulky items)


Please contact us by email for a quotation waste@southkesteven.gov.uk

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