Fees and charges - Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle licensing

The council is responsible for administering the issue and renewal of licences for individuals to drive and operate Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles.

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle licences:

Driver's licence (Annual - aged 65yrs or above and/or medical condition)


Driver's licence (three years)


Driver's badge replacement (Sent by royal mail)


Driver's badge replacement (collected from customer services)


Change to Dual licence (supplementary charge)


Annual vehicle licence:

Private Hire Vehicles


Hackney Carriage


Annual vehicle licence: (LPG/hybrid/Wheelchair vehicles 20% reduction)

Private Hire Vehicles


Hackney Carriage


Annual vehicle licence: (Fully Electric/Electric Wheelchair vehicles 50% reduction)

Private Hire Vehicles


Hackney Carriage


Exemption from displaying Private Hire plate:





Plate replacement fee


Replacement/Updated licence certificate


Replacement bracket


Replacement internal vehicle plate (Sent by royal mail)


Replacement internal vehicle plate (Collected from customer services)


Transfer of vehicle ownership


Local Knowledge Test Hackney Carriage Only(Initial and re-test)


English Language Skills Test (Initial and re-test)


Private Hire Operator Licence (five years) 


Change of registration number i.e. cherished number plates


Delivery fee to Bourne area office


Refund daily rates for unexpired days due to replacement of vehicle:

Private Hire Vehicles


Hackney Carriage Vehicles 



Enhanced DBS disclosure fee


Enhanced DBS Admin fee (new application - 3yr licence)


Enhanced DBS Admin fee ( 2nd application during 3yr licence)


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