Fees and charges - Animal health and welfare

We are responsible for the licensing and inspection of cat and dog boarding businesses, horse riding establishments, wild and dangerous animals, pet shops, and dog breeding in South Kesteven.



Pre application/licence variation inspections (where applicable)


Dog boarding - Part A


Dog boarding - Part B


Cat boarding - Part A


Cat boarding - Part B


Dual dog and cat boarding - Part A


Dual dog and cat boarding - Part B


Dog day care - Part A


Dog day care - Part B


Home boarding - Part A


Home boarding - Part B




Dog breeding establishments - Part A


Dog breeding establishments - Part B


Selling animals as pets - Part A


Selling animals as pets - Part B


Riding establishments - Part A


Riding establishments - Part B


Dangerous Wild Animals - Part A


Dangerous Wild Animals - Part B


Transfer of licence 


Animals for Exhibition (3 year licence) Part A


Animals for Exhibition (3 year licence) Part B


Variation (With inspection)


Variation (No inspection)


Control of dogs


Collecting and detaining stray dogs (statutory fine)


Handling, kennelling and administration


Kennelling per day or part of


Zoo Licenses 


New Application (4 Year) Part A 


New Application (4 Year) Part B 


Renewal (6 Year) Part A


Renewal (6 Year) Part B


Transfer of Licence


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