Viewing the Electoral Register

Viewing the Electoral Register

The Electoral Register is available for inspection at the South Kesteven District Council offices by appointment.

The Register can be inspected at the Council Offices in Grantham during the opening times of our offices. Copies are also available for inspection at our office in Bourne. Office addresses and opening hours

Appointments should be made in advance by contacting the Elections team on 01476 40 60 80, email  

The Representation of the People Regulations require that inspection of the register must take place under supervision and no copies may be taken. However, handwritten notes may be made.  

Anyone inspecting the register is not permitted to use the information for direct marketing purposes.  Anyone inspecting the register will be asked to give their name and address and sign a form stating that they understand that breaching the legal restrictions on the use of the information would be an offence.

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