Harlaxton Parish Poll - 20 March 2025

A Parish Poll will be held in Harlaxton on Thursday 20 March 2025.

Declaration of Result of Parish Poll


The poll question

At a Parish Meeting of the Parish of Harlaxton held on 14 February 2025, a poll was demanded and the question was proposed and agreed.

At the poll voters will be asked the following question:

“Should Harlaxton Parish Council formally oppose the proposed development on the land to the West of Swinehill?”

Voting in a parish poll

You will not receive a poll card for this parish poll. There are no provisions in the regulations for poll cards to be issued. 

The polling station will be open from 4pm until 9pm on the 20 March 2025 at Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HB.

You must vote in person at the polling station. You cannot vote by post or proxy in a parish poll. There are no provisions in the regulations for the issue of postal votes or the appointment of proxies. Any electors, who would normally vote by post or by proxy will need to attend the polling station in person if they wish to vote in this parish poll.

You do not need to take any photo ID to vote at the polling station, as the requirement to show ID does not apply at parish polls.

When you arrive at the polling station, if on the electoral register, you will be given a ballot paper. You will be asked to vote "yes" or "no" by marking an 'X' in the relevant box against the question.

Who can vote in this parish poll?

You can only vote in the poll if

  • You live in the Harlaxton Parish area; and  
  • You had registered to vote in local council elections (British, qualifying European or Commonwealth citizens) by 7 February 2025; and
  • You are 18 years of age or over on 20 March 2025.

Anyone needing to check if they are registered to vote for this poll should contact South Kesteven District Council Elections team on 01476 406080 and ask for Elections or via email at elections@southkesteven.gov.uk.

Where is the Polling station?

The polling station for the poll will be situated at the Harlaxton Village Hall, 3 Church Street, Harlaxton, NG32 1HB. The hours of poll are 4pm – 9pm.

A parish poll is held between the hours of 4pm – 9pm in accordance with the parish and Community Meetings (Polls) Rules 1987.

Who has asked for the parish poll?

The Parish Poll was demanded at a Parish meeting of electors in Harlaxton held on 14 February 2025.  South Kesteven District Council’s Returning Officer organises and manages the poll, whilst Harlaxton Parish Council will bear the cost.

Parish poll results

The results will be posted online here as well as on the parish council website. The results will also be posted on the council's and parish council's notice boards. 

A parish poll is carried out to obtain the opinion of the parish and the result is not legally binding on the parish council.

Parish poll costs

South Kesteven District Council will recharge the relevant parish council under Section 150 (2 and 7) of the Local Government Act 1972 which you can read on the government legislation website.

Further enquiries?

For queries on the administration of the parish poll please contact elections@southkesteven.gov.uk or phone 01476 406080.


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