Consultation on SKDC's Customer Experience Strategy

Closes April 7th, 2025.

What is the purpose of this consultation?

The purpose of this consultation is to inform the Council’s Customer Experience Strategy and make sure that it reflects the views of the people we provide services to.


Why is SKDC creating this strategy?

To ensure that the ways our customers contact us are meeting their needs and reflect the technological advances that have taken place in customer interaction.


How can I help?

You can help by completing one of our surveys. By telling the Council what you think of the building blocks of its customer experience strategy you will help us to clarify our vision, determine our ambitions and identify our outcomes.

Please click here to take part.



For a printed copy of the survey, please go to the Customer Services Centre, The Picture House, St Catherine's Road, Grantham or Bourne Community Access Point and Library, Abbey Road, Bourne.

Alternatively, please contact our customer services team via email: or by phone: 01476 406080

For a copy of this survey in an alternative format or another language, please contact the Council’s Communications section via email: or by phone: 01476 40 60 80

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