If you wish to pay half yearly you can. As there is no statutory arrangement for this type of payment, you must make payment in advance of the monthly amounts due. You should make half yearly payments by paying the first five instalments (April - August) on 1 April and the remaining balance of your account (September - January) on 1 September. In this way your account will never fall into arrears. If you do not do this you will be subject to normal recovery processes.
We will send you a council tax bill in mid March to notify you of the amount you have to pay. The bill will include details of the monthly instalment amounts.
Payments are due on the first of each month - unless you pay by Direct Debit - and you can choose to pay over 10 months or 12 months. If you are currently on a 10 month plan and wish to change to a 12 month plan, please contact our Revenues team.
Half Yearly
The minimum legal monthly instalment value is £5. The Government introduced this rule in order to help keep collection costs down. Anyone paying less than £50 a year will therefore be given fewer than the usual 10 instalments. Bills issued after 31 December are legally due for payment within 14 days. We will, however, normally offer an instalment date before the end of the financial year, if possible.