Want to stand for election to Lincolnshire County Council? Here is what to do and when

Candidates for the Lincolnshire County Council election on May 1st can pick up their official printed nomination packs from this week.

Printed packs can be requested from Electoral Services at South Kesteven District Council by contacting 01476 406080 (ask for Elections) or by email via elections@southkesteven.gov.uk specifying the division you wish to stand as a candidate. Electronic copies are available to download on the link shared below.

There is also a by-election on the same day in Grantham Town Council’s St Vincent’s Ward.

Nomination papers for either election must be subscribed by a proposer and seconder who must be registered as local government electors within the relevant division or ward.

Completed papers must be submitted by hand between 10am and 4pm from Wednesday 19th March up to 4pm on Wednesday 2nd April. An appointment is required and can be made via the contact details above.

Karen Bradford, Chief Executive and Deputy Returning Officer for the county council elections, said: “The election process will begin on Wednesday, March 19th, following the publication of the Notice of Election.

“This election provides an opportunity for voters to get involved in local democracy, either by stepping forward as a prospective councillor, or by voting on election day.

“Our Council officers are happy to explain the application process further for potential candidates and answer any questions they may have.

“There is also lots of information and resources both for candidates and for voters at our website www.southkesteven.gov.uk/elections2025"

The 14 LCC electoral divisions in South Kesteven are: Bourne North and Morton, Bourne South and Thurlby, Colsterworth Rural, Deepings East, Deepings West and Rural, Folkingham Rural, Grantham Barrowby, Grantham East, Grantham North, Grantham South, Grantham West, Hough, Stamford East and Stamford West.

Nomination papers can be downloaded here: https://tinyurl.com/LCCelectionpapers

Information for prospective candidates and agents for the Lincolnshire County Council elections within the South Kesteven area can be found on our separate candidates and agents webpage: www.southkesteven.gov.uk/LCCinfo

More information on the Grantham Town Council by-election is available here: www.southkesteven.gov.uk/StVincent

This election day also marks the first election of Mayor of the Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority, when polling stations across the South Kesteven District Council area will be open between 7am and 10pm.

Further information on all three elections can be found at www.southkesteven.gov.uk/elections2025

To qualify as a candidate, a person must

  • be at least 18 years old; and
  • be a British citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen, a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, a qualifying EU citizen or an EU citizen with retained rights.
  • meet at least one of the four qualifications https://tinyurl.com/CandidateQuals

Key election dates:

  • Candidate nomination papers can be submitted 19th March – 2nd April (10am-4pm)
  • Publication of Statement of Persons Nominated (Announcement of candidates): 2nd April
  • Register to vote deadline: Midnight, 11th April
  • Apply to vote by post deadline: 5pm, 14th April
  • Apply to vote by proxy deadline: 5pm 23rd April
  • Apply for a Voter Authority Certificate: 5pm 23rd April
  • Polling day: 7am-10pm on Thursday 1st May
  • The formal election process begins with the publication of the Notice of Election on 19th March.

Poll cards will start to be delivered from 19th March.

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