Support to keep town centre business blooming

Planters are being installed ahead of a new Grantham In Bloom competition to bring long-lasting pavement appeal to the streets.

The initiative is funded from a £5,000 Government grant through the local FHSF programme.

It is part of a collaborative push to enhance the town centre to create community engagement this summer and into the future.

This builds on recent Market Place improvements, re-opening the Conduit public toilets, and a new direction for special interest Saturday markets, complementing the regular weekly traders.

Grantham in Bloom is a free-to-enter competition for town centre retailers and businesses.

SKDC Council Leader Cllr Ashley Baxter said: “We have seen the success of community contests elsewhere in the District. This initiative complements our wide-ranging efforts to make the town of Grantham even more attractive to visitors and to local residents."

Existing and new shop, office or pub displays are welcome to enter, with a limited number of free 30-inch planters being made available to kick-start the process for businesses.

Business owners who wish to register their interest in taking part – and to obtain two free planters in April – should contact

Premises must have sufficient space outside without causing an obstruction; be prepared to participate in the Grantham in Bloom competition; provide their own compost; maintain and replant throughout the year.

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