Local businesses are being invited to learn more about working with South Kesteven District Council to help support the delivery of key services.
‘Meet The Buyer’ events will take place in Stamford on 30th January and Grantham on 20th February where advice on navigating procurement processes, understanding frameworks and exploring upcoming opportunities to work with the Council will be on offer.
Attendees will hear from senior officers across a number of service areas including property, housing, waste, revenues and benefits, and customer service.
The Council’s procurement company, Welland Procurement will open the session with information on how to bid for local authority contracts. A Q&A session will follow the event where businesses will have the opportunity to ask questions related to their own work.
Cllr Ashley Baxter, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, HR and Economic Development, said: “These events demonstrate our commitment to working with local businesses and ensuring they have access to the opportunities that help South Kesteven thrive.
“By providing a clearer understanding of our procurement, processes and projects, we hope to foster stronger partnerships to benefit residents, businesses and the local economy.”
The event in Stamford will take place on Thursday 30th January in the Ballroom at Stamford Arts Centre from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Spaces must be booked in advance and are available for free: https://bit.ly/meet-the-buyer-stamford
The Grantham event will take place in the Ballroom at Guildhall Arts Centre from 14.30pm until 16.30pm on Thursday 20th February: https://bit.ly/meet-the-buyer-grantham
Attendees are asked to book only one ticket per business to attend either event.