As part of its budget setting process, South Kesteven District Council wants to hear views from residents and local businesses.
Asking for feedback on a proposal to increase its element of Council Tax by 3% for the 2025/26 financial year, the survey is open for two weeks from today (Monday 20th January).
An increase of 3% equates to an average increase of £5.51 for a Band D property in 2025/26.
If approved, households in other bands would see the part of their bill relating to SKDC increase by a proportion related to this amount.
The consultation outlines how Council Tax revenue is used to fund SKDC services and includes an update on projects within priority areas; Connecting Communities, Sustainable South Kesteven, Enabling Economic Opportunity, Housing and Effective Council.
Cllr Ashley Baxter, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, HR and Economic Development, said: “It is essential we do all we can to protect the services we provide, and continue to deliver our ambitions.
“An increase of 3% per Band D property in our element of Council Tax for 2025/26 will generate around £354,000 of additional income.
“This additional revenue will contribute towards costs of essential day-to-day services such as refuse collection, street cleaning and CCTV, as well as offset costs of longer-term projects across the district.
“These include supporting local businesses in South Kesteven through the introduction of free parking in Grantham, future-proofing delivery of services through a new depot facility and supporting households struggling with the cost of living.
“Please take this opportunity to have your say.”
The increase for households in Bands A, B and C would be less than £5.51, while those in Bands E, F, G and H would see an average increase of more than £5.51 - but no more than £11.02.
If the proposal is approved, the average Council Tax for a property in Band D for services provided by South Kesteven District Council in 2025/26 would increase from £183.89 to £189.40.
SKDC collects Council Tax on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council, Lincolnshire Police, town and parish councils, keeping around nine pence of every pound it collects, to fund the services it provides.
SKDC will determine its element of Council Tax for 2025/26 at a meeting of full Council on 27th February.
The survey can be completed here.
This consultation closes on 3rd February 2025.
To request a printed copy of the survey, or one in an alternative format or another language, please contact the Council’s Communications Team on 01476 406080