Good news for Grantham as proposals announced for £880,000 of improvements

Seven supporting projects to build on South Kesteven District Council’s investment into Grantham Town Centre have been agreed.

The £880,000 of work comprises:

  • Installation of power to Market Place and Westgate including groundworks and connection fees
  • Planters, benches and cycle parking
  • Grantham Museum Improvements, particularly to mitigate damp and improve environmental conditions for exhibits
  • Re-working and improvements to the public space and the conservation area of the cultural quarter
  • Direction signs for Grantham Railway Station, Bus Station, bus stands and carparks to and from the town centre and key points of interest
  • Removable bollards surrounding Conduit Lane car park
  • Equipment for development and growth of Grantham Market

The funding for these projects comes from a successful bid to the Government which was awarded in April 2021 via the Future High Streets Fund (FHSF).

SKDC’s Cabinet met today (Tuesday) to seek authority to enter into to contract for the series of projects to use the remainder of the allocation to improve Grantham town centre for the benefit of everyone who uses it.

The aim of the Future High Streets Fund is to renew and reshape town centres and high streets in a way that drives growth, improves experience and ensures future sustainability.

Councillor Leader, Cllr Ashley Baxter said: “The prospect of even more investment in Grantham town centre is great news for residents, businesses and visitors.

“These projects will be funded from a windfall resulting from a underspend against budget for the recent Market Place and Station Approach improvement works.

“To avoid the funds being returned to central government, our officers and elected members have negotiated with Civil Servants (at the Ministry of Housing Community and Local Government) to secure permission for the additional works be delivered during the next 12 months.”

This follows SKDC’s offer to new market traders in Grantham of a free four-week trial period to get a feel for trading on Grantham Market before deciding whether to sign up as a regular trader, as well as drop-in workshops and street entertainment for visitors to coincide with specialist craft and farmers’ markets.

Public toilets at Conduit Lane in Grantham have recently reopened following extensive refurbishment through the FHSF.

The Council’s investment programme also saw improvements to the Market Place and Station Approach last year.

Raised road levels in the Market Place has created a multi-use social space to encourage footfall and diversify town centre businesses, market and leisure opportunities.

At Station Approach, resurfacing, upgraded pedestrian access, and improved traffic signals have enhanced safety and created a more welcoming route into the town for visitors arriving by train.

These projects follow SKDC's earlier initiatives to enhance shopfronts, improve the town’s appeal, and encourage affordable housing through upper-floor conversions.

The Grantham Future High Street Fund programme is administered by the South Kesteven District Council’s economic development team and is supported by delivery partners

The new projects must be contractually committed by the council by March 31st 2025, and delivered by March 31st 2026.

Details can be found here and below.

The approved projects are as follows: 

Project 1: Installation of power to Market Place and Westgate

This project will install power cabinets in four locations around Grantham Market Place, and four locations along Westgate (Narrow Westgate). These power cabinets in the Market Place will support both three phase and single-phase supplies which will provide power facilities for both market stalls and for use during events. Power cabinets on Westgate will provide single phase supplies to provide facilities for market stalls. 

The location of the cabinets has been designed to minimise any necessary cable runs and minimise disruption to the area during installation. 

The installation and connection of the power cabinets will be carried out by National Grid. The full quotation for the installation of the supply is expected by end of February 2025. 

The total budget allocated for both the required groundworks and connection fees is up to £275,000 

Project 2: Market Place Street Furniture 

Through this project bespoke street furniture will be created for the Market Place which will include planters, benches and cycle parking loops. This will enliven the Market place when it is not otherwise being used to host events and provide places where pedestrians and cyclists can rest and enjoy the space. 

Following reflection on lessons learned from previous planter schemes, the landscaping has been designed in such a way that the planters will not need to be moved to facilitate the majority of events or market activity in the space. 

Officers are pursuing procurement of the street furniture through the ESPO Street Furniture framework. 

The total budget allocated for street furniture is £134,000.

Project 3: Grantham Museum Improvements

The project will provide for improvements to the museum building which will support the ongoing development and sustainability of the museum’s offer. 

Most notably, works will be completed within the museum basement to improve mitigate damp and improve environmental conditions to create a space which is suitable for collections storage, to support the museum’s long-term goal of regaining its original collection.

Further improvements will include upgrading the museum’s boiler, installing an improved kitchen area, and necessary repairs to failing plastering. 

Lindum Constructions was procured through the SCAPE framework are carrying out pre contract works with a view to entering into contract for the works prior to the 31st March 2025. 

The total allocated budget for the project is up to £140,000. 

Project 4: Cultural Quarter public realm improvements. 

St Peter’s Hill Green is a highly valued area of green space within the cultural quarter, and the wider Grantham Conservation Area. The grass in this area is poor condition and is being impacted erosion caused by pedestrian footfall. 

This has a negative impact on the perception of the quality of the public space and the conservation area around the main cultural and civic heart of the town centre. 

This project will complete works to reinforce the grassed areas of St Peter’s Hill Green, focusing on those areas most impacted by pedestrian desire lines through the installation of suitable protective measures.

Final specifications for the works are being determined, with consideration to tree protection requirements in the area. 

The total allocated budget for the project is up to £50,000.

Project 5: Wayfinding

This project will identify and implement interventions to support pedestrian wayfinding within the town centre, focusing on clarifying preferred routes from pedestrian landing points, including Grantham Railway Station, Bus Station, bus stands and carparks to and from the town centre and key points of interest. 

Total allocated budget for the project is up to £40,000.

Project 6: Conduit Lane Carpark Bollards

This work will reinstate removable bollards surrounding Conduit Lane Carpark. 

Current bollards are fixed which restricts access to the carpark for large vehicles and equipment and restricts is use as an ancillary parking area in support of events such as the mid lent fair and Christmas market, as well as other large-scale activity in the Market Place. 

Installing removable bollards will allow this space to be used more flexibly in support of activities in the town centre, and in particular in the Market Place. 

Total allocated budget for the project is up to £15,000.

Project 7: Grantham Market Enhancements

A £60,000 allocation has been made for the purchase of equipment to support the development and growth of Grantham Market. This includes a £40,000 allocation for purchase of new market stall covers to support the growth of the market, and additional funding for equipment such as seating which will support the delivery of events in the Market Place.

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