Voter ID: What it means for you on General Election day, 4th July

All voters at a polling station must show an accepted form of photographic identification (photo ID) to be able to vote - and this includes the General Election on Thursday, 4th July.

Most voters will already have an accepted form of ID – and those who haven’t can apply online or via SKDC.

Only original documents will be accepted, scanned images or copies will not be accepted. Expired ID can still be used as long as the photo remains a good likeness.

Anyone who does not have an accepted form of ID can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate to use at the polling station via:

The deadline for applying for a Voter Authority Certificate is 5pm on Wednesday, 26th June 2024.

SKDC can also supply a free Voter Authority Certificate for those who wish to vote but do not have a valid photo ID. See how to get one via

Acting Returning Officer for the Grantham and Bourne constituency, Karen Bradford, who is also SKDC’s Chief Executive, said: “This applies to all voters who vote in person or by proxy at a polling station in the General Election on Thursday, July 4th.

“SKDC aims to make it as straightforward as possible for those who need to obtain the right ID so they can cast their vote.

“Everyone will be required to show one form of photo ID at the polling station when they vote, but it needs to be the original version and not a photocopy.”

Anyone who needs assistance to apply, can make an appointment to get help at the Council Offices in Grantham by contacting the elections team on 01476 406080.

Nothing changes for those who have chosen to vote by post; they do not have to provide photo ID to vote.

The Poll Card delivered to voter households will advise which Polling Station to attend vote, on polling day, between 7am and 10pm.

Because of the need to check ID, the process of receiving a ballot paper may take a little longer than it used to and there is the possibility of short queues forming at busy times. No personal details will be taken from the ID.

Please remember the new guidelines for returning a postal vote. The easiest way is to post it in a Royal Mail letterbox, allowing enough time for it to arrive by 10pm on Thursday, 4th July.

Alternatively, for voters in the Grantham and Bourne constituency it can be hand-delivered to the SKDC office at South Kesteven House at St Peter’s Hill in Grantham – although new rules mean it must be signed in by a member of staff and not left in the council mailbox. Alternatively, it can be taken to a polling station in the constituency on election day, Thursday, 4 July.

For either of these options, the postal vote must be handed to a member of staff and a form filled in – or the vote will not be counted. This is a change from previous years.

Further changes to previous elections include:

  • Residents may only hand in their own postal vote and the postal votes of up to five other people at a polling station or the council’s office
  • Campaigners can only hand in their own postal vote and postal votes for up to five other people who are either close relatives or someone they regularly care for

More information at

Further information on neighbouring constituencies, which still fall within South Kesteven District, can be found at or


The accepted forms of ID at polling stations are:

  • Passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, A British Overseas Territory, an EEA state, or a Commonwealth country
  • Photocard driving licence (includes a provisional licence) issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or EEA state
  • Biometric immigration document
  • Identity card bearing the Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram (a PASS card)
  • Ministry of Defence Form 90 (Defence Identity Card)
  • Blue Badge scheme photocard parking permit
  • National identity card issued by an EEA state
  • Older Person's Bus Pass / Concessionary Travel pass/card (in Lincolnshire, this is the Older person or Disability bus pass issued by Lincolnshire County Council)
  • a Disabled Person's Bus Pass
  • an Oyster 60+ Card
  • Freedom Pass
  • Electoral Identity Card for Northern Ireland
  • Scottish National Entitlement Card issued in Scotland
  • 60 and Over Welsh Concessionary Travel Card issued in Wales
  • Disabled Person's Welsh Concessionary Travel Card issued in Wales
  • Senior SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
  • Registered Blind SmartPass or Blind Person's SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
  • War Disablement SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
  • 60+ SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
  • Half Fare SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
  • Electoral Identity Card issued in Northern Ireland

Anonymous Elector Document - email the elections team or calling on 01476 406080 to find out how to apply for this type of document

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