New recycling collections

More than 68,000 households across South Kesteven are preparing to change the way they recycle, in preparation for separate paper and card collections next month.

Residents are receiving information from South Kesteven District Council asking them to start using their new purple-lidded paper and card bin.

This is because the new collection cycle means people must split their recycling from now on.

Cabinet Members for Waste and Environment, Cllrs Patsy Ellis and Rhys Baker, said: “The black bin collection for regular waste will continue each fortnight, exactly as it is now.

“The alternative weeks will be split between the silver bin, for mixed, dry recyclables – and the new bin for dry paper and card.

“Householders need to put the right thing in the right bin. If you put an incorrect item in your silver bin for your next recycling collection, SKDC’s street scene crews will place helpful advisory tags on any that contain the wrong items, explaining which items are in the wrong bin to help people get used to the change.

“From Monday February 5th, the Council will no longer empty any recycling bins with incorrect items in them. Householders should refer to the Right Thing Right Bin leaflet delivered to their homes - and available online - to ensure rejected bins are kept to a minimum. Anyone who remains unsure can request a home visit from our staff for assistance on this.”   

  • The purple-lidded bin is for dry, clean, waste paper and cardboard only. Shredded paper should go into the black bin, as the paper mill is unable to recycle it due to the cut fibres it contains. Any excess cardboard and paper left next to the bin will not be removed. Because of this, if your new bin is already full, SKDC suggests storing recycling for the next collection or take it to the local Household Waste Recycling Centre.
  • All other clean, dry recycling (such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, metal tins and cans), should be put loose in the silver bin, and not contained within plastic bags.
  • Additional bags of recycling can no longer be left next to either recycling bin, as these will not be collected.
  • The collection cycle is: Black Bin, Silver Bin, Black Bin, Purple-lidded bin – and so on.

Cllrs Ellis and Baker added: “If you are unsure of your collection days, you can find them online at the SKDC website or call up on 01476 406544, where our team will also be able to answer any questions you have about your new bin and the twin stream recycling scheme.

“We will also have staff walking with bin crews to chat to householders on collection day and advise on putting the Right Thing in the Right Bin.

“South Kesteven District Council is falling in line with the rest of Lincolnshire by doing this because we want to help residents to recycle as much of their waste as possible and reduce the carbon footprint.”

SKDC staff continue to work directly with residents who currently use sack collections rather than bins, and with those who use bins in communal areas. These householders should continue to put paper and card in with recycling on the new silver bin collection weeks. This is because the paper mill is not currently able to accept plastic sacks.

Paper and card recycling process


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