How to return your postal vote: new rules apply

Postal voters need to act now to ensure they have their say in next month’s General Election.

Those who have applied to vote by post will receive their postal voting pack very soon.

Once received, it must be completed and returned it as soon as possible. The easiest way is to post it in a Royal Mail letterbox, allowing enough time for it to arrive by 10pm on Thursday, 4th July.

Alternatively, for voters in the Grantham and Bourne constituency it can be hand-delivered to the SKDC office at South Kesteven House at St Peter’s Hill in Grantham – although new rules mean it must be signed in by a member of staff and not left in the council mailbox. Alternatively, it can be taken to a polling station in the constituency on election day, Thursday, 4 July.

For either of these options, the postal vote must be handed to a member of staff and a form filled in – or the vote will not be counted. This is a change from previous years.

Acting Returning Officer, SKDC Chief Executive Karen Bradford, said: “Postal vote packs contain the Postal Voting Statement form which must be completed with your date of birth and signature, together with your ballot paper.

“Please remember that if you wish to deliver it by hand, your vote will be rejected if you do not give your completed postal vote to a member of staff at the polling station or Electoral Registration Office and complete a form. Please don’t post your ballot paper through the letterbox of the Council Office.”

In addition, there are further changes to previous elections:

  • Residents may only hand in their own postal vote and the postal votes of up to five other people at a polling station or the council’s office
  • Campaigners can only hand in their own postal vote and postal votes for up to five other people who are either close relatives or someone they regularly care for

If delivering by hand, SKDC recommends that voters check their constituency at the top of their ballot paper. Envelopes supplied have the correct address printed on them but some residents in the south of South Kesteven, particularly the Stamford and Deepings areas, may now be part of a different constituency, administered from a different Electoral Registration Office for hand delivery of ballot papers.

The first set of postal ballots started being sent out to voters on Monday (17th June), with more due to be sent from 24th June for more recent applicants.

More information at

Further information on neighbouring constituencies, which still fall within South Kesteven District, can be found at or

For those wishing to vote in person at a polling station on election day, photo ID is required. SKDC can supply a free Voter Authority Certificate for those who wish to vote but do not have a valid photo ID. See how to get one via

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