Have your say on SKDC’s Air Quality Action Plan

An action plan setting out how South Kesteven District intends to tackle air pollution across the district for the next five years is out for consultation.

The Council now wants to hear views from people who live, work and visit South Kesteven, on the series of measures designed to address poor air quality.

It is responsible for monitoring the concentration of air pollutants and exposure to air pollution and will use the feedback to help update the Air Quality Action Plan, which is regularly reviewed to ensure it meets legislative requirements.

Cllr Rhea Rayside, Cabinet Member for People and Communities said: “In line with legislative requirements the action plan sets out the tasks and behaviours designed to mitigate or lower emissions in Grantham Town Centre, including improving traffic management at key junctions and encouraging people to walk and cycle.

“We are however keen that it also reflects our ambition to reduce exposure to air pollution throughout South Kesteven and would encourage everyone from across the district to tell us which elements of air quality they think we should focus on. We are interested in the steps they might be prepared to take, and the behaviours they might be prepared to change, to help tackle poor air quality, such as car sharing, or turning their car engine off when in a queue of traffic.

“Please respond to our survey and help us reduce the concentration of air pollutants in our area.”

The action plan sits under SKDC’s Air Quality Management Area, which was originally created back in 2013.

The consultation closes on 11 December 2024. To take part, please click on/paste the link below into a web browser: www.surveymonkey.com/r/SKAQAP2024

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