Have your say on the development of SKDC’s Trees and Woodland Strategy

Residents are being asked for their views on South Kesteven District Council’s approach to the protection and planting of trees and woodland across the district.

A three-week consultation exercise opens today inviting local people to contribute towards the development of a Trees and Woodland Strategy.

It follows a workshop held by SKDC that delivered valuable initial feedback from key stakeholders including parish councils, landowners and the Woodland Trust. 

The draft strategy will set out the Council’s position on the protection and care of existing trees and areas of woodland, as well as proposals for partnership working to support tree planting schemes.

SKDC wants to hear from residents, landowners, organisations and other stakeholders to help the Council refine and develop its approach.

The objectives of the strategy are:

  • To establish the current level of tree canopy cover in South Kesteven
  • To highlight the main areas of opportunity to increase the number of trees and areas of woodland
  • To set out the Council’s role alongside key partners
  • To protect the district’s existing trees

Cllrs Patsy Ellis and Rhys Baker, who share SKDC Cabinet responsibilities for Environment and Waste, said: “We strongly encourage everyone to take part in this consultation.  Trees do amazing work in capturing carbon emissions as well as helping to mitigate flooding and many other environmental and biodiversity impacts. 

“Your views and comments will help us measure the amount of public support there is for our existing trees and woodlands and will also inform us as to how we can best contribute towards tree planting and management now for the benefit of future generations.

“Please use this opportunity to have your say. We can then develop our strategy by incorporating everyone’s feedback.” 

The consultation runs until 21st February.

To take part go to Trees and Woodland Strategy Consultation | South Kesteven District Council or follow this link   https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sktaws

Printed copies of the survey are also available on request by emailing climatechange@southkesteven.gov.uk

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