Council seeks views on possible dog walking controls

South Kesteven District Council wants to hear opinions on possible legislation which could affect dog walking.

It’s looking at whether there is need for a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) which would limit the number of dogs on leads that one person can walk at the same time.

The consultation, which opens today, is inviting local people, animal welfare organisations and businesses which provide services for dog owners, for their opinions.

It wants to:

  • Establish if a PSPO is considered the most appropriate way to deal with this issue, look at other solutions and assess likely support
  • Identify the extent of the issue
  • Gather evidence on any incidences of anti-social behaviour where the number of dogs on leads being walked was a contributory factor
  • Encourage those who might be affected by the implementation of a PSPO to have their say

SKDC's Cabinet Member for People and Communities, Cllr Rhea Rayside, said:

"By telling us if you agree with this proposal, or not, you will help us determine if this is something we should proceed with, or not. We want people to have their say at this preliminary stage of the consultation process. 

“It gives residents the chance to air concerns, including any impact the introduction of a PSPO limiting the number of dogs on leads being walked by one person may have on you or your business."

Public Spaces Protection Orders are powers given to local authorities as part of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

They can last for up to three years and apply to defined areas of public space where issues have been identified that may have a negative impact on the local community's quality of life.

If preliminary feedback suggests that there is support to introduce a PSPO affecting dog walking, additional consultation would be undertaken prior to implementation, as required by law.

The consultation closes on 24th December 2024.

To take part click on the link:

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