Community spirit alive and well at awards night

Winners in South Kesteven District Council’s SK Community Awards have been in the spotlight at an awards evening honouring some very special people.

A celebratory night at Bourne Corn Exchange shone a light on winners and shortlisted nominees.

SKDC Cabinet Members and SK Awards winners

They included a woman who used CPR and a defibrillator for the first time to save a life, a community hero who works tirelessly to support the vulnerable and a business with a heart of gold.

A man with green fingers keeping a town looking immaculate joined the winners list, plus the town council backing him, the dynamo running a mothers’ support group and an inspirational young person who has raised thousands for charity.

The community champion award has been re-named as the Judy Smith Lifetime Community Champion Award to honour a long-time SKDC councillor who worked tirelessly for her home town of Bourne. It recognises people who follow her example of service

Cllr Rhea Rayside, SKDC Cabinet Member for People and Communities. “Every year we discover and honour people who have gone the extra mile for their communities.

“Our award winners do not seek public thanks, yet they make an immense contribution to the health and wellbeing of our district.

“Our awards scheme gives us an opportunity to recognise people who are simply inspirational and it is a privilege to say a very public thankyou.”

Councillors and public representatives decided which nominations should go forward to the presentation event, with winners announced on the night.

Award winners and runners up took home engraved crystal trophies with a plaque for the Community in Bloom winner.

Click through for more pictures.

Neil Smith ‘Beyond the Call of Duty Award’
Fiona Perry successfully used life-saving CPR and then a defibrillator to a man who suffered a heart attack, despite never having done it before, until an ambulance arrived.

Inspirational Young Person Award
Sydney-Lily Reddish has raised thousands of pounds for The Young Minds and Cystic Fibrosis charities and supports wellbeing activities at the Church of the Ascension in Grantham.

Volunteer of the Year - Phil Whyles
Green fingered Phil Wyles has made a huge voluntary contribution to Bourne in Bloom and the town’s floral displays, plus helps local villages to improve their environment.

Community in Bloom
Bourne Town Council continues to invest in brightening the town in its Bourne in Bloom programme with floral displays in the town streets, the Burghley Arcade and the cemetery.

Community Contribution by Business Award
Lauren Mann ensures the caring touch within her company – Farrow Friends - campaigns on loneliness and engages local businesses in a support network for all ages.

Community Group of the Year Award
Sara Long took over Stamford parenting group Stamford Mummy from creator Victoria Norton and continues the group’s amazing work to make a critical difference for parents

Judy Smith Lifetime Community Champion
Joanne Taylor is a Grantham Community Connector, establishing 10 diverse groups, devised information flashcards for the vulnerable and organised a popular Family Fun Day.

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