Accessible toilet facilities open in Grantham park

A second Changing Places disabled toilet facility built by South Kesteven District Council has opened in Grantham’s Wyndham Park.

The Changing Places Toilet, located in the Memorial Arch, has been partly funded from government funding to build specialist facilities across the District.

Cllr Patsy Ellis and Cllr Rhys Baker, Joint Cabinet Member’s for Environment and Waste, who oversee public conveniences at the Council, said: “Over 250,000 people rely on Changing Places Toilet facilities in the UK so it is really important that those people are able to access safe, comfortable and accessible facilities when they need to.

“We are pleased to continue our partnership with Changing Places Toilets as we provide access to these facilities in South Kesteven. We believe it will make a real difference to those who live, work and visit here.”

Changing Places Toilets are larger, wheel-chair friendly accessible toilets for people who cannot use standard facilities. They are designed to support users, their families, and their carers.

They are equipped with ceiling track hoists, privacy screens, support rails and height-adjustable, adult-sized changing benches.

Interior of Changing Places Toilet

A Changing Places Toilet opened in The Meres Leisure Centre, Grantham last year with a further facility planned for South Street in Bourne.

Cllr Paul Stokes, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, said: “Providing facilities for those who require them is really vital. It means people are able to enjoy the freedom to explore their local areas and take part in the day-to-day activities that many of us take for granted.

“We’re proud to welcome lots of visitors to Wyndham Park and I hope the new facilities will mean disabled visitors have an increased confidence in travelling to explore our fantastic park.”

The Changing Places Consortium is a group of organisations and individuals with the shared focus of supporting the rights of people with disabilities. At the heart of their Changing Places Campaign is the call for accessible toilets to be installed in public places across the UK.

As co-chairs of the Consortium, Muscular Dystrophy UK also works closely with local authorities that have been awarded funding to provide specialist expertise, technical advice and training.

A spokesperson from Changing Places Toilets and Muscular Dystrophy UK said: “At Muscular Dystrophy UK, we are delighted to see another Changing Places Toilet built in Grantham.

“It is essential that these facilities can be accessed with dignity and reassurance. The new addition at the Wyndham Park will enable everyone in the community to come to visit and enjoy their time in the fantastic green space.”

A map of Changing Places toilets throughout the UK can be found online at

Pictured at the opening of the Changing Places toilet in Wyndham Park are, left to right: Team Leader – Leisure, Parks and Open Spaces Michael Chester; Cabinet Member for Environment and Waste Cllr Rhys Baker; Cabinet Member for People and Communities Cllr Rhea Rayside; Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure Cllr Paul Stokes; Property Services Manager Gyles Teasdale; Parks and Events Community Engagement Officer Alison Lewis; Senior Parks and Cemetery Officer Sharon Haythorn; and Mechanical and Electrical Project Officer Neil Smith

Pictured at the opening of the Changing Places toilet in Wyndham Park are, left to right: Team Leader – Leisure, Parks and Open Spaces Michael Chester; Cabinet Member for Environment and Waste Cllr Rhys Baker; Cabinet Member for People and Communities Cllr Rhea Rayside; Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure Cllr Paul Stokes; Property Services Manager Gyles Teasdale; Parks and Events Community Engagement Officer Alison Lewis; Senior Parks and Cemetery Officer Sharon Haythorn; and Mechanical and Electrical Project Officer Neil Smith

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