Poppy cascades for special Remembrance commemoration

Remembrance commemorations in Grantham will include a colourful new tribute with two striking poppy fall cascades suspended from the historic Guildhall.

The art installation will also include four new silhouettes of a WW2 paratrooper, a WW1 Tommy,  a naval Wren and a land girl - all personalised with stories of local people and places.

Now the call is going out to recruit willing volunteers to make poppies from layered red nylon, with four workshops taking place in Grantham Museum on the 4th, 6th, 11th and 13th October from 10am until 2pm. 

Grantham Arts has been commissioned by South Kesteven District Council to deliver the project - creating a new backdrop for St Peter's Hill Remembrance Garden and the military salute from the Guildhall during Remembrance Sunday's parade.

Cllr Rhea Rayside, SKDC Cabinet member for People and Communities said: "We need to recognise what the military community has contributed and continues to contribute to this country.

"Remembrance is our annual opportunity to do that. This thoughtful and beautiful new art installation is a visual show of support and will make this year's commemoration extra special".

Cllr Richard Dixon-Warren, SKDC Armed Forces Champion said: "The poppy became a symbol of Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future in the aftermath of the First World War.

"It remains an iconic image and to see the Guildhall decorated with this amazing and creative art installation for such an important week will be truly memorable."

Grantham College Art and Design students will be translating stories and information on people and places in the Grantham area into designs on the silhouettes, with a plea for local people to contribute.

Photocopied documents or photographs can be left in an envelope at Grantham Museum for the attention of Grantham Arts, with a reminder not to donate original material.  
Anne-Marie Kerr from Grantham Arts is keen to get local people involved.  She said: "This is a wonderful opportunity for local people to share their stories about relatives, friends or places that have a link to the great wars or have served in the military.

"Stories or images would be a wonderful resource for us to ensure that we can make this Remembrance commemoration very personal to Grantham." 

The installation will remain in place during Remembrance Week.

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