Partners work together to drive town forward

Key partners and stakeholders are joining forces with South Kesteven District Council ready for positive action as the Grantham Town Team met for the first time this week.

The new initiative will give residents and businesses the chance to play a pivotal role to inform the Council's decision-making on enhancing and promoting the town.

The Town Team will work on a brief from SKDC's Economic Development team to assist the Council to design, shape and implementation a plan to reinvigorate Grantham town centre - re-engaging with residents and customers alike.

The meeting saw more than 30 representatives from across the community and local government, including SKDC elected members and regeneration officers, pledge to become ambassadors for the town, sharing ideas and concepts on how it can develop.

They will also help to generate funding for local events and activities.

Cllr Richard Cleaver, Leader of the Council, said: "This new impetus for the Grantham Town Team provides a valuable opportunity for likeminded partners to work together in a proactive and collaborative way.

"Members of the Town Team will express a shared vision for the town before establishing the actions required and deciding who will be responsible for what.

"It is fantastic to see a group of such incredibly engaged, active and passionate people ready to start the journey in working together to help shape future activity and enhance the town."

The Town Team's inaugural meeting at the Angel and Royal Hotel focused on how it can play a part in shining a light on Grantham, on key regeneration and heritage projects, on future funding opportunities and the creation of town branding.

Grantham Engagement Manager Jo Gregory, who joined SKDC earlier this year, said: "It is clear that everyone in this area has brilliant ideas. We will now draw on the experiences of those who live, work and invest here in Grantham to work collaboratively and focus on the positive development of the town."

The Grantham Town Team is supported by the Council from the £5.56m Future High Streets Fund, money awarded to the Council to support the key priority of driving economic growth in the District.

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