New look at anti-social behaviour powers

South Kesteven District Council is aiming to refresh powers that help tackle anti-social behaviour in public open spaces.

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) are applied to defined areas where issues have been identified that may have a negative impact on the local community's quality of life.

Issued as part of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, they can last for up to three years.

In October 2017 PSPOs were introduced across the district covering dog fouling; dogs on leads; dog exclusion and alcohol control. These were renewed in October 2020.

A decision on whether they should be amended or renewed, and new ones introduced is now due and SKDC has launched a consultation exercise to find out what members of the public think.

The Cabinet Member for People and Communities, Cllr Rhea Rayside, said: "These orders are not about restricting responsible behaviour - they offer a way of helping to tackle persistent anti-social behaviour that can damage communities.

"By letting us know if they agree with the existing and proposed orders, residents will be helping to inform our approach to tackling anti-social behaviour.

"Taking part in the consultation will also enable people to highlight specific areas of concern, which will be used by the Council's Neighbourhoods Team to direct its regular patrols."

Existing PSPOs in South Kesteven require anyone in charge of a dog in a public space to:

  • Pick up their pet waste
  • Keep their dog on a lead no more than one metre long when asked to do so by an authorised officer
  • Keep dogs out of enclosed play areas

Another order is in place that means people can be asked by an authorised officer to stop drinking alcohol in a specified area and hand over any open alcohol container.

The order does not ban responsible drinking in public places - only drinking that causes a nuisance to others - and covers Grantham, Stamford, Bourne and Market Deeping town centres.

A new order is proposed to target vehicle-related anti-social behaviour in Stamford's Station Road car park (also known as Cattlemarket), The Meadows and Bath Row car park.

SKDC has also received a request from Stamford Town Council to extend an existing PSPO (Dog Exclusion) to includes specific enclosed areas within Stamford Recreation Ground.

People who fail to comply with a PSPO could face prosecution and fines up to £1,000 or be issued with a £100 fixed penalty notice.

This consultation runs from Wednesday 9th August to Wednesday 6th September.

To take part go to

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