New Choice Based Lettings system for South Kesteven District Council is on track

A new choice based lettings system will give residents more choice and control over the allocations process and lead to fewer empty properties.

The Council is set to introduce the scheme in October 2023 which allows eligible applicants to register bids for suitable properties online.

Councillor Phil Dilks, Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning said "The transition into Choice Based Lettings, known as SK Home Choice, is still very much on track and we look forward to introducing the service which will provide residents in the greatest need, with as much choice as possible.

"The service will allow SKDC to better match those in need and to use our housing resources as effectively as possible."

The Council currently operates a housing register system where applicants are placed into a band depending on their housing need. The Council then matches applicants with suitable properties when they become available.

The new system allows applicants to become active and engaged in the allocation process. They will have the choice to bid on any eligible social and affordable rented property that is available.

In conjunction with the launch of SK Home Choice, the Council have also announced a new allocations policy, simplifying the previous policy.

Applicants are currently placed into one of six bands,  ranging from 'Emergency Band' (for households in the highest housing need) to 'Band 5' (those in the lowest housing need).

The new policy will move from six to four bands and will have a strong focus on providing social housing for those who are most in need.

All applicants currently on the housing register will soon receive communications from the Council advising them that they will need to re-register on the system. They will also need to have their applications reassessed in accordance with the new policy.

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